Watch The Batman 2022 Movie batflix full free streaming online in HD video quality without any membership. Another of the many strengths of this film is the cast. After Ben Affleck ‘s departure from the project, Robert Pattinson took his place and does a wonderful job with the role. Both his Bruce Wayne and his Batman are dark, gloomy, traumatized by a past that forces them to live in the shadows. This Batman has an ally: the fear he produces.
To Pattinson ‘s good performance we must add a more than correct interpretation of Zoë Kravitz as Catwoman , Jeffrey Wright as Commissioner Gordon and Andy Serkis as Alfred , Bruce Wayne ‘s faithful butler . On the villain side, Collin Farrell as Penguin , John Turturro as Carmine Falcone , and Paul Dano , who shines as the Enigma , complete the tapestry of characters that populate Gotham, a city that holds its breath waiting to explode at any moment. Watch more Batflix movies online free streaming without any cost.
Movie Overview
Title: The Batman (2022)
Genres: 2022 Movies | Action, Crime, Drama
Directors: Matt Reeves
Writer: Matt Reeves, Peter Craig, Bill Finger
Stars: Robert Pattinson, Zoë Kravitz, Jeffrey Wright